Thursday, October 4, 2012

So this month I've decided its time for me to stop being a couch potato and take care of myself and maybe even get the body I really want. So starting this week I have started to work out again. Tonight I have actually gone online and looked up a couple of work outs that i like and want to try out for a couple of weeks/months until its time to shake it up. I'm also going to try and fix my eating habits which will be my hardest challenge. I LOVE food especially junk food. but if I'm doing well who said I can splurge a little every now and then. We have talked and decided that having a baby ( which I really wanna do) is probably not the right time right now. So I am going to get my body in shape and ready so that one day we can have  a little one running around. and it might be easier to keep up. But Healthy Food and Working out here we come.

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