Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We are officially moved. We moved on Saturday with the help of our families. They are such a great support. We are currently living with Jon's grandmother for a couple of months so we can save up to buy a house. Which we are extremely excited about it I do say so myself. We have had to make some adjustments but we are making it work. Its been  fun being back with family.  Its still weird being back and close to stores and restaurants. In Mountain Home we had nothing. So we've gone a little crazy wanting to go every where at once. I am excited to really get to know Jon's family on a more personal level then I have before.  Unfortunately Jon is still working for Mountain Home PD so he will be staying with a friend during the work week and come back to caldwell on his weekend. I am going to miss not having him around all the time. But this is good for us. The next chapter in our lives.

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