Thursday, February 28, 2013

We found our house. We closed on feb. 11, 2013. And moved in the same day.We have now been in our fabulous house for two weeks now and LOVE IT!!! We have come across a couple storage issues but that's part of the fun of putting our house together and making it ours. We have big plans for our back yard this summer and can't wait to get started. Pictures will definitely  be up in the future when we finally get that done. Now its trying to figure out what to do with the inside and boy am I excited. More updates on our house to come.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

For the past 3 months my husband and I have been on the search for a home to start our lives in Caldwell and to start our family in. We found one that we loved and we are waiting to close in ONE WEEKS time. We are counting down the days. We are thankful for our families and how they have helped us out. We are really excited to get into our first home and begin our lives again. It is a really cute 3 bedroom 2 bath house. Its a super cute starter home that we can't wait to get into and make it our own. We have so many ideas of what we want to do, unfortunately we are also broke haha. More posts to come as we close on the house and get moved in.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Well the holidays are now over and we are getting back to normal life as much as we can. Our holidays were pretty good, nice and low key. We are still living with Jon's grandma while we are still searching for a home to call our own. Jon is loving his job and can't wait to be out on his own. He is still collecting some crazy stories working the streets of Caldwell. My job is going really well we are getting ready to open up to accept  pediatric trauma so we are going to training so the staff will be ready. Its pretty exciting. Other then that not much has changed for us but I'll keep you updated.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Well we have been living with Jon's grandma for about a month now. Its been good, Interesting. But we make things work. House hunting has been kind of a mess. We think we get things figured out but then something happens and we are back to be a bundles of stress. But all things will work out in time right??? Jon starts his new job on Monday. He is so excited about it. Last night he was up super late because he was soo anxious about it. It will be quite a bit different then Mountain Home. Jon got swore in on the Monday before Thanksgiving so hes been waiting about two weeks to officially start. I am so proud of him. He has worked really hard to get where he is today.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We are officially moved. We moved on Saturday with the help of our families. They are such a great support. We are currently living with Jon's grandmother for a couple of months so we can save up to buy a house. Which we are extremely excited about it I do say so myself. We have had to make some adjustments but we are making it work. Its been  fun being back with family.  Its still weird being back and close to stores and restaurants. In Mountain Home we had nothing. So we've gone a little crazy wanting to go every where at once. I am excited to really get to know Jon's family on a more personal level then I have before.  Unfortunately Jon is still working for Mountain Home PD so he will be staying with a friend during the work week and come back to caldwell on his weekend. I am going to miss not having him around all the time. But this is good for us. The next chapter in our lives.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Well for those of you who don't know we are moving. This weekend actually. My husband was able to get on with Caldwell Police Department. We are very excited. So we are leaving our Mountain Home family and moving to Caldwell. We are excited but at the same time a bit sad to be leaving our first police family and friends that we have made along the way. It has been really good for us to be able to start our married life away from everyone so we could really become a couple. But now it is time to move back and be closer to family. In the upcoming year or so we hope to buy a house and possibly start our family. This is a big step for our future but we are ready to take on whatever life has to offer. Lend us your prayers and thoughts as we enter the next chapter in our lives. Thanks to everyone in Mountain Home for all the great memories that we have been given.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

So I am two days into my new work out plan and diet. And am I ever sore. Today is a little better since I took time and really stretched yesterday after my work out. today is my rest day and all I want to do is lay down and not move haha. But gotta keep going. Keeping active will help with the sore muscles and lactic acid hanging out in my system. So we'll see how things go. Its only the first week but luckily I have an awesome husband who is in to working out and getting in shape so he has been helping me get to the gym, Its always more fun to go with someone else even if your doing to completely different work outs. Thanks babe for the support.