Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Well for those of you who don't know we are moving. This weekend actually. My husband was able to get on with Caldwell Police Department. We are very excited. So we are leaving our Mountain Home family and moving to Caldwell. We are excited but at the same time a bit sad to be leaving our first police family and friends that we have made along the way. It has been really good for us to be able to start our married life away from everyone so we could really become a couple. But now it is time to move back and be closer to family. In the upcoming year or so we hope to buy a house and possibly start our family. This is a big step for our future but we are ready to take on whatever life has to offer. Lend us your prayers and thoughts as we enter the next chapter in our lives. Thanks to everyone in Mountain Home for all the great memories that we have been given.

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