Saturday, September 29, 2012

Womens Celebration Walk

Last Saturday Sept. 22, Chelsey, Chantel, Myself and two of my sweet nephews went and did the Womens Celebration Walk. It was a lot of fun.We waited at the beginning for what seemed like hours luckily the boys kept us throughly entertained, with funny things they said, the excitment over the balloons and toys they got.  The walk itself was actually a lot of fun too. We were able to keep a brisk pace and we weren't the last ones to make it to the park. It didn't seem like a 5k race.. ok lets be real 5k walk haha. We had a good time talking and catching up with what was going on in each others lives as we walked. When we reached the park there was fun music playing and yummy (healthy) food to be devoured. The boys had fun dancing and collecting acorns to take home with them. (Much to Chantels excitment). Greyson was very excited because he got to ride a school bus. Which we all know when your little is one of the coolest things every.  When the day came to an end we were all ready for a nap. But have fun memories to take with us.

The friday before we went to the womens show. There we went to lots of booths and got lots of bootie to take home with us. Greyson got a ninja turtle painted on his face and both the boys got to enjoy yummy food. Poor Trevyn, From the moment we walked in the door he saw tons of balloons and not one of them for him. At the end when we were just about ready to leave a nice man took pity on poor little trev with his sweet face wrinkled in sadness and gave him a balloon. I've never seen the kid happier.

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